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David Rosenthal's Home Page


Who am I

I am blessed to have a wonderful wife and family. Professionally I am a Allergist/Immunologist physician, and I'm currently in an PhD program and doing research on a variety of topics. I enjoy computers, the Internet and am actively involved in Jewish life.
o Cara Weinstein Rosenthal's Web Page
o My resume contains my professional credentials.
o I also have my list of publications and the text from some of my earliest abstracts.
o What is a D.O.? explains about osteopathic medicine.
View David Rosenthal, DO's profile on LinkedIn View David Rosenthals Facebook Profile


Here are some various photos of me and the family.
o Our Wedding -- See some photos, and our wedding registry
o Misc. Family Photos.
o Graduations.
o Here are some pictures of my family from my first web site circa 1995.

Bioscience Resources

All of my Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, and Neuroscience links are now at:
o David's Bioresources Page which is my growing list of favorite sites which I, and others in William Millington's Lab at UMKC, find to be useful in biological research.

Medical Links

I graduated from medical school at the University of Health Science-College of Osteopathic Medicine which is now called the Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences - College of Osteopathic Medicine, so I find these links interesting
KCUMB, my medical school
o KCUMB Web Site is filled with all sorts of offical information about KCUMB.
o The UHS Class of 2000 is a way to keep in touch with my alumni.
Seton Hall, Dept of Graduate Medical Education. I am in a residency in Internal Medicine at St. Michael's Medical Center, affiliated with Seton Hall Univ.
o Seton Hall, Dept of Graduate Medical Education
o Seton Hall Residency Training Programs
o Seton Hall's A.O.A. Internal Medicine Residency
Long Island Jewish Hospital
o Fellowships in the Department of Internal Medicine, including Allergy and Immunology
o North Shore Long Island Jewish Medical Education and Research
AOA (D.O.) Residency Match
o DO Online has the current list of AOA approved residency options.
o The Osteopathic Match pages.
o NBOME is the Osteopathic Boards organization.
AMA (M.D.) Residency Match
o FREIDA on line is the AMA's Residency Database.
o ERAS Applications to apply to most residencies.
o National Resident Matching Program, Web ROLIC site for the MD match registration, click on Main Match Registration, then Applicants Sign On.
Internal Medicine Organizations
o American College of Osteopathic Internists
o American Board of Internal Medicine including : Sample Board Questions
o American College of Physicians - American Society of Internal Medicine including: MKSAP and Associateship
Allergy/Immunology Organizations
o American Association of Allergy Asthma and Immunology
o American Board of Allergy Immunology

On-Line News and Information

My number of links in this topic grew so great, I spit them out into their own page. Take a look at the headings on this page:
o Newspapers/Wire Services
o Radio/Audio Broadcasts
o Weather
o Investments
o Israel

Jewish Resources/Links

Most of my Jewish Links have been moved to my mirror of the Brandeis Hillel Jewish Links Page, or the Beth Shalom Jewish Links Page which I created.
o I have also helped develop the Brandeis Hillel Home Page
o Congregation Beth Shalom's WebSite
o Torat Chaim (Living Torah) Website
o TOR-CH Hebrew FAQ is an excellent introduction to Halachic (Jewish Legal) Hebrew Vocabulary that I helped with many of the definitions.
o Peace by Peace: Put an End to Violence a rally in 1995 supporting peace and the memory of Yitzhak Rabin (z"l)
o Of Blessed Memory a memorial page for those who died in Israel due to terrorism.
o Brandeis University Egalitarian Minyan Meeting Minutes are kept here. That's what happens when you've been a gabbi :-)
o Shamash Home Page

Computers and the Web

I had so many links about this topic, I moved them all to a new web page.
The following are the subheadings...
o Developing Web Pages
o List Management
o Jewish Web Tech Info
o UMKC Computer Info
o Mac Info
o Internet/Web Resources
o Viruses?
o Freeware/Shareware
o Buying/Selling
o Search Engines

Links to my friends and alma matter's home pages

o Brandeis University Home Page
o Brandeis '95 Alumni on line!
o Phillip Trauring's Home Page

Tools to "Surf the Web"

I hope these tools make your surfing enjoyable.
o Maps and Driving Directions anywhere in the U.S.A.
o Google Groups is the best way to read and search the USENET.

Please note that on these pages:
A redball denotes a web site that I created, or helped create.
A blueball denotes a web site I find helpful, but did not help create.
Since you are not receiving graphics, you will not be able to tell the difference between the red and blue balls on these pages. I'm sorry View David Rosenthal, DO's profile on LinkedIn

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Copyright © 1995-2012 David Rosenthal D.O.

Send e-mail with comments or links you would like to see on this page to davidr-web@drosenthal.org